Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Field at Jonathan Frost Gallery

The Field, a collaborative project between sculptor Kimberly Callas and poet Gary Lawless will open at the Jonathan Frost Gallery, Winter Street, Rockland, Maine, on Wednesday, July 30, from 5 - 8 PM with a poetry reading at 7 PM.
We are inviting you not only to come and visit The Field, but to collaborate with us further on this project. We would like to know where The Field takes you, so we ask for your reactions, your images, lines, ideas, visions - what were your thoughts, your dreams after seeing The Field. Please let us know, as we are thinking of these portals we have created, and are curious about the worlds to which they lead us.
Gary has written a Field Guide for the piece, which is available for free at the show, but we would like to hear from you as well.

this field holds
the story of the world
this field holds
the stories our bodies
what is sacred
what is personal
what is history and
what falls away -
this field faces
the Pleiades and
waits for a wind -
this field with four
portals, doors for
whole histories to
move through
and go -
this field knows

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